Friday, September 11, 2009

Silent no more

I can no Longer be Silent.

For years I have been a member of the silent majority. Joe Taxpayer a law abiding and God fearing citizen living and loving the American dream.
Little did I realize there were people in our government slowly destroying the country I love so much. Sometimes I would become concerned or raise an eyebrow with a government policy here or a new program there but usually just shrugging my shoulders and trusting that my elected officials knew best and they have the average Americans best interests in mind.
Before I go any farther I must point out I have always leaned more Republican then Democrat but never identified myself as either one and in fact always considered myself an independent until the 2000 election when I was forced to register either Republican or Democrat to vote in the primary.
Since I was not a big Al Gore fan I chose to register Republican.Let me be very clear the Republican Party makes me sick to my stomach. The Democrat party makes me actually taste throw up in my mouth. What a choice.

I am not sure when I first started to become alarmed about the direction my country was headed in. Was it the day I was forced to identify with a party in order to vote? Was it when I realized it was all about politics and elections and not what was best for me and the rest of the silent majority of Americans?Maybe it was when they tried to ram amnesty for Illegal’s down our throat. That just plain pissed me off. The patriot act set off alarm bells in my head but once again I trusted my president and government and accepted it was something that needed to be done.It could have been any number of things that troubled me and each time I would say and do very little but also each time I became a little more vocal and a little more aware and it took a little longer to shrug it off and say my government knows best and they have my best interests at heart.

Then we had the election of 2008. I promised my self to become more informed and more involved. Did I?
I paid a little more attention but then only sat back and watched as events unfolded. I watched as Barrack Obama campaigned across the country and the news media fell in love with him and pandered to his every word.
Was I the only one that could see through this phony? Was I the only one that could see what he really stood for and where he was really coming from? You only had to look at the people he was associated with and his back ground.This I quickly realized was not someone who had any ideals or agendas that would match mine. Was I the only one that could see how biased the media coverage was?
Then I watched as Sarah Palin came on the scene. She was Someone who was not a lawyer or career politician. She was the average middle class American who really did want to make a change someone who owed nothing to special interests someone with no big political debts that would have to be paid back once in office.
I believed her to be someone who was sincere and truly had the interests off the American people at heart. The kind of person our founding fathers intended to represent us.
You can Agree with her policies or not but these are the kind of people we need to represent us regardless if there political philosophy run right or left.

Not the sleazebag career politicians and power mongers who infest Washington like the parasites they are.

Then I watched in horror as the Media and radical left did all they could to destroy a good and decent woman.
All the while this phony the radical community organizer the one with the racist pastor and terrorist associates is fawned over and given a pass on everything.Then he was elected and the crap started. Just as I was afraid it would.What crap started? What did I think would happen?Maybe I will get in to that in other blogs. All I know is I can no longer be silent. I am tired of feeling powerless.This little blog may do nothing? Maybe I am powerless. This may be my one and only. There may be a hundred more to follow.
But if just one person is inspired by this and that person can inspire another and they another…. Please speak up. Blog, yell from the roof tops, Attend Tea parties, Write your representatives, speak to friends and relatives, just get involved. Wake up! Do something anything even if you think you have no power and your opinion means nothing do it anyway. Take our country back!

Silent no more!

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